
« Beer, Georg Beer, Rudolf Beet, Joseph Agar »

Beer, Rudolf

BEER, RUDOLF: German Protestant; b. at Bielitz (40 m. w.s.w. of Cracow) Dec. 5, 1863. He was educated at the universities of Vienna and Bonn, and since 1893 has been reader in Spanish at the latter university, as well as a custodian at the Imperial and Royal Library at Vienna since 1888. He is a collaborator on the Vienna Corpus patrum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. In theology he advocates "the scientific investigation of Christian revelation." Among his works special mention may be made of his Die Anecdota Borderiana Augustineischer Sermonen (Vienna, 1887); Heilige Höhen der Griechen und Römer (1891); Die Quellen für den liber diurnus concilii Basiliensis des Petrus Bruneti (1891); and Urkundliche Beiträge zu Johannes de Segovia (1896); in addition to editions of Wyclif's De compositione hominis (London, 1887); and De ente prædicamentali quæstiones tredecim (1891), and of the Monumenta conciliorum generalium (3 vols., Vienna, 1892–96).

« Beer, Georg Beer, Rudolf Beet, Joseph Agar »
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